When A Tornado Happens
Most communities in our area have implemented an outdoor warning program to warn citizens of impending danger.
When sirens are activated, a three minute tone indicates a tornado has been sighted in the area or strongly indicated on radar. Seek shelter and listen to the radio or TV for more information. Do not call police, fire departments, or news media.
A Tornado Watch is issued when conditions exist for the development of a tornado. Watches are usually for areas about two-thirds the size of lower Michigan and are 2 to 6 hours long. Watches give you time to plan and prepare. Persons in or near a watch area should place small objects inside (such as garbage cans and bicycles) which could become deadly missiles. Make sure the entire family is informed and that they know what to do if a tornado is sighted. Keep children and pets under close supervision. Keep an eye on the sky and listen for additional statements and warnings.
A Tornado has been sighted, take shelter immediately! If a warning is issued, sirens will activate. Seek shelter immediately and tune into local media for more detailed information and the location of the storm.
IN HOME. A basement offers the greatest safety. If possible, seek shelter under sturdy furniture. In a home without a basement, take cover in the center of the house on the lowest floor in a small room such as a closet, bathroom or under sturdy furniture.
IN MOBILE HOMES. When a tornado watch or warning is issued, take shelter in a building with a strong foundation. If shelter is not available, lie in a low-lying area a safe distance away from the mobile home. Use arms to protect head and neck.
VEHICLES. Never try to out drive a tornado in a car or truck. Tornadoes can change direction quickly and can lift up a car or truck and toss it through the air. Get out of the car immediately and take shelter. If there is no time to get indoors, get out of the car and lie in a ditch or low-lying area away from the vehicle. Use arms to protect head and neck.
AT WORK OR AT SCHOOL. Go to the basement or to an inside hallway at the lowest level. Avoid places with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums, cafeterias, large hallways and windows. Use arms to protect head and neck.
If the unthinkable does happen and your property incurs damage from a tornado, please remember to call M.J. White & Son, Inc. at 1-888-992-4404. We are specialists in Disaster Restoration. We will do our best to help you through the entire recovery process.