How to avoid frozen pipes
Saving money by turning your heat down in the winter is just not a good idea. I wish I could say turn your heat down to X degree to avoid a pipe freezing, but it depends on where you live, where your pipes are and how well insulated those pipes are. Pipes in a bathroom, kitchen, attic and crawlspace are normally NOT insulated.
Click on this website below to see the probability of frozen pipes in our region. https://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/shw_freezemap.pdf
Heat should be kept at 65 degrees and consider leaving the taps dripping when it gets to really cold temperatures. Sending a reminder email or posting a notice to your residents or tenants might be a good idea.
Lastly, please use this email to think about where your thermostats are set in this cold weather.
And if all of the above fails, remember we are here to clean up the resulting water damage!